Picture Books

ThePencil by Allan Ahlberg

The Pencil by Allan Ahlberg is a charming, imaginative story about a pencil that comes to life. The pencil draws a picture, which then becomes real, leading to unexpected adventures. As the pencil and its drawings get more and more creative, they bring both fun and chaos.

The story is set in a simple, everyday world, where a child's imagination brings ordinary items, like a pencil, to life. It takes place in a home, and the drawn worlds created by the pencil add a sense of whimsy and adventure.

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Chapter Books

Sisters of the Sword by Maya Snow

Sisters of the Sword by Maya Snow is a historical adventure set in feudal Japan. It follows two sisters, Hana and Reiko, who are forced to take on new identities after their family is betrayed. Disguised as male samurai, they seek justice and revenge, facing challenges that test their strength and loyalty.

The story is set in feudal Japan, where samurai culture, honor, and traditional values shape the world of the two sisters as they embark on their dangerous journey.

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Middle School

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Sisters of the Sword by Maya Snow is a historical adventure set in feudal Japan. It follows two sisters, Hana and Reiko, who are forced to take on new identities after their family is betrayed. Disguised as male samurai, they seek justice and revenge, facing challenges that test their strength and loyalty.

The story is set in feudal Japan, where samurai culture, honor, and traditional values shape the world of the two sisters as they embark on their dangerous journey.

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High School

Numbers by David A. Poulsen

Numbers by David A. Poulsen is a thrilling mystery about a young boy named Nick who is given a mysterious notebook filled with numbers that seem to predict the future. As he uncovers secrets behind the numbers, Nick realizes that he is part of a dangerous game and must race against time to stop a tragic event from happening.

The story is set in modern-day Canada, in a small town where the protagonist tries to unravel the mystery surrounding the numbers while dealing with personal challenges and a growing sense of danger.

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Japanese Picture Books

100かいだてのいえ by 岩井 俊雄

100かいだてのいえ(岩井俊雄 作)は、100階建ての家を舞台にした楽しく想像力豊かな物語です。各階にはさまざまな生き物や冒険が待っており、登場人物たちはそれぞれの階を探索し、新しい驚きと発見を楽しみます。


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Japanese Intermediate (tie)

は なこ 八月七日にひろったこねこ by なりゆき わかこ

はなこ 八月七日にひろったこねこ(なりゆきわかこ 作)は、温かい夏の日に、若い女の子はなこが捨てられた子猫を見つける心温まる物語です。子猫を育てながら、はなこは愛情、責任、友情について大切な教訓を学びます。


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Japanese Intermediate (tie)

ナニワのMANZAIプリンセス (ノベルズ・エクスプレス) by 荒井 寛子

ナニワのMANZAIプリンセス(荒井寛子 作)は、若い女の子が人気のある日本の漫才(コンビ芸)を夢見て挑戦する、心温まるコメディーの物語です。友達と共に様々な困難に立ち向かい、笑い、友情、そして夢を追い求める力を発見します。


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Japanese Middle/High School

告白 by 湊 かなえ

告白(湊かなえ 作)は、娘の死の復讐を果たすために、ある中学校の教師である森口裕子が語る心理的サスペンスの物語です。予想外の展開で、彼女は二人の生徒が犯人であることを告白し、その告白が一連の事件を引き起こします。罪悪感、道徳、そして正義について深く掘り下げています。


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