>Games >Emotions

  • 1. Mirror Mirror


    How to play

    Time: 5-7 minutes
    Receptive Language: instructions
    Productive Language: emotions

    Game Explanation: Review the emotion flashcards. Pair the students off, select a ‘Student A’ & a ‘Student B’ in each pair, & have each pair sit down facing each other. On your command, the ‘A’ students make their choice of face at their partner (happy, angry, sad, etc).

    The first Student B to correctly identify her partner’s emotion wins a point for the pair. Swap & continue.

    Note: In order to avoid the students just making ‘happy’ faces all the time, you may want to show an emotion flashcard to the students making the next face (making this a variation on the GESTURE game).

  • 2. We Are Family


    How to play

    A variation of the Santa Junken game. Thumb=Daddy Index=Mommy Middle=Brother Ring=Sister Pinki=Baby Kids are lined up to battle the Sensei.. Family..Family..Family..Go!! Choose a member using the correct finger to represent that member and whoever chooses the same member as you has to sit down..There can be only one!!

  • 3. Charades


    How to play

    Bring up 5 kidlings, use the mic to introduce them (What's your name -> My name's Shotaroukun) and then model covering your mouth to make sure they know they're supposed to be quiet. Show a feeling card and if one kid blurts it out show another after remodelling covering your mouth. They kids in the audience say "1,2,3 action!" and the kids at the front have to act out said feeling. Try and get the audience to guess the feeling and everyone goes home with a smile on their face.

  • 4. Haps Or Sad


    How to play

    Draw a face on the board big enough for everyone to see, minus a mouth. Show an emotion card and have a student come up to the board and complete the picture by drawing the correct smile, frown, whatever on the picture.

Emotions Theme Resources

Explore a wide range of English emotions and feelings teaching resources, including songs, crafts, flashcards, and posters for ESL and EFL learners. Perfect for digital download and print, created by experienced international teachers.

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