Best HTML Text Editors for Mac: Notepad++ Alternatives for Web Development Students

Best HTML Text Editors for Mac: Notepad++ Alternatives for Web Development Students

Resource for those using Notepad++ at school but have a Mac at home. Suitable for those studying HTML and Website Development.

For Mac users, here are some alternatives to Notepad++ for HTML editing:


TextEdit (Apple). Free

Apple’s TextEdit application is preinstalled on macOS. It serves as a basic text editor that supports both plain text and rich text formats.

You can find it in the Applications folder or by using Spotlight search (press Command + Space and type "TextEdit").

  • Convert rich text documents to other formats
  • Create and edit HTML documents
  • Mark up images

Editing a HTML page in TextEdit

  • Create an HTML file
  • In the TextEdit app on your Mac, choose File > New, then choose Format > Make Plain Text.
  • Enter the HTML code.
  • Choose File > Save, type a name followed by the extension .html (for example, enter index.html), then click Save.
  • When prompted about the extension to use, click “Use .html.”
  • You MUST follow the instruction above EXACTLY. It does work :-)
  • Apple Guide & How to




BBEdit (Barebones)

  • A professional-grade text editor for macOS, with both free and paid versions available. BBE Edit is my default basic notepad equivalent editor that I use daily to remove stying from text copied from online and other sources. The Export as HTML and Save as styled HTML functions require a paid license. 
  • Not suitable in free mode for HTML editing.



Testing these. Please revisit next week.

Visual Studio Code (VS Code). (Microsoft). Free

  • A free, open-source editor with a rich ecosystem of extensions, syntax highlighting, and debugging features. Part of the Microsoft Office Suite.


Sublime Text. $99

  • A fast, lightweight text editor with a clean interface and excellent performance for code editing.

Atom. Free

  • Another free and open-source text editor with good customization options, developed by GitHub.


  • An open-source editor focused on web development with features like live preview and preprocessor support.




  • A powerful text editor for macOS that supports many programming languages and is highly customizable.


All of these editors are well-suited for HTML editing, each offering unique features depending on the user's preferences.

Mr. Tim

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